73/100 & 74/100 - The 100 Day Project
The #100DayProject is nearly 75% finished! WOOOOO!!!!! I'm glad that I decided to participate again this year, and I'm REALLY glad I decided to push through and keep going after the halfway point. I notice this year hasn't been filled with the stress and drama that plagued last years project paintings. Perhaps it's because I'm painting mostly representational images rather than abstracts and I feel way more comfortable? Possibly! That's okay though. Just because I'm not stressing and fretting about each and every painting doesn't mean that this years 100 day project has any less impact or is any less important. I'm still learning. I'm still working on something creative everyday. And it all counts.
73/100. 3"x3" acrylic on canvas.
I LOVE how days 73 and 74 paintings turned out. Can you tell? Painting these tiny landscapes have me really excited to try painting them a lot larger.
74/100. 3"x3" acrylic on canvas.
How's your project going? If you participated in the 100 day project last year, are you noticing any different challenges? Let me know in the comment section below!
Happy creating!
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