100/100 - The 100 Day Project Challenge Complete!
Here it is! My last little painting for #the100dayproject!
100/100. Saguaro. 3"x3" acrylic on canvas.
I love how this turned out! I'm a big fan of using the finger painting technique I used during last years 100 Day Project. I think it makes the backgrounds look so interesting and gives it a depth that I struggle to recreate with a brush.
This years 100 Day Project was great. There was far less blood, sweat, and tears this time around. I cared about the outcome (of course) but I learned that not every piece has to be a rock star. I feel like I experimented a lot more this year and I found a few things that set my soul on fire that I cannot wait to try on a larger canvas!
Here's a look at all 100 tiny paintings:
It's a little impressive to see all 100 tiny paintings all in one place!
If you're in a funk with your art, be it painting, photography, baking, etc., I wholly recommend participating in some sort of challenge like this. Creating 100 pieces of anything will help spark new creative ideas!
Have you finished your challenge yet? How did it go? What are some of your thoughts/feelings about how it went? Let me know in the comments section below! Let's compare notes!
happy creating!
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