WIP - Another Giant Succulent Painting
In between working on tiny scenic landscapes and experimental landscape paintings, I’m also working on another large succulent painting (nope- still not tired of them!) I started it immediately after I finished the large 25”x25” Succulent Garden one (I had to scroll waaaaaaaaaaaaay back to August 2019 to find out when I started it!) I was so on fire painting back then (ahhh… the “before times”) and was eager to paint a large companion piece to hang beside it.
August, 2019
December 2019
But then life, and a little thing called Coronavirus/covid, really drove me into a funk. I only worked on it once during 2020 and, even though by the end of 2020/beginning of 2021 I was feeling a little more hopeful, I did not touch it (or paint much at all) in 2021.
May 2020
I started working on it on and off again in March of this year and have made some progress. I’m putting this out into the Universe- I will finish this by the end of the September. That’s 2 months away (gulp!) I could use some accountability, possibly some gentle nudging, and a lot more coffee…
How’s your mental space lately? Are things back to “normal” for you? Let me know in the comment section below - I’d love to hear from you!
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