#The100DayProject - Week 4
Hello! I'm still happily painting (nearly) every day. I think I discovered a new style I love that makes my little heart sing when I work on it. It's this... "cloudy" style:
I love the color and the softness, but I love the blending most of all. I was so inspired by this painting that I couldn't stop thinking about trying this style on something bigger. So this weekend I tried it out on a 10x10 canvas. AND I LOVED IT. So much so, I did another...
I seriously cannot get enough of the turquoise color...
I was so happy/in the zone/state of flow while working on these paintings that the sheer joy of putting gorgeous colors down and blending them with my hand/fingers... that feeling was just the best! I thought to myself that this was how I want to paint abstract. And everything was good and right in the universe.
Then I painted Monday night using this technique again. But nothing was working! Too much paint. Over blending. The colors looked awful. And then I began to doubt myself, thinking now I'm a one trick pony when it comes to abstract painting. And maybe I should try something else. And oh my goodness, what will people think if this is all I make now. But then a dear, wise friend said something that made me drop my brush (figurative, I've been painting with my fingers, remember?) He wrote: "Save your judgement. Just make stuff."
Deep, right?
I was fretting and stressing over what I thought, and what I thought people will think (isn't that the worst?) that I was discouraging myself getting way stressed out. But my friend's simple words really are true. Just make stuff. What other people think of you or what you make is not your business. Likes on Instagram or facebook don't matter. All that matters is that I make stuffs, and I'm happy with the stuffs I make.
Keep making your stuff and don't stop!
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