Taking Stock - Jan 02, 2016

Happy New Year! I sincerely hope that you have the best year ever and that you get to do all the wonderful and scary things you have planned. I haven't finalized my resolutions, er.... goals, yet. I have the usual ones like lose weight, and get in shape, but I've had those since I was in high school. It would be weird not having those resolutions, right? They are like tradition! :) 

Happy New Year Green Bokeh

Making: a mess!
Cooking: not much of anything. Still finishing off Christmas leftovers!
Drinking: Cinnamon Plum Tea. (This stuff is the best tea!)
Reading: The Unhealthy Truth
Wanting: this palette for my watercolors.
Looking: forward to a little trip to Nashville we are planning in the Spring.
Playing: with watercolor paint!
Deciding: what I want to be when I grow up.
Wishing: I didn't live where it snowed.
Enjoying: another 4 day weekend.
Waiting: for spring! (still.)
Liking: the brush letting workshop I purchased.
Wondering: if I should commit to a 365 this year.
Loving: the art case complete with a set of old watercolors, palette, oil paints and brushes that belonged to G's grandma and great grandma that was given to me! (it's pretty amazing!)
Pondering: some new photography goals and resolutions.
Considering: which new prints and canvas gallery wrapped images to add to the art shop.
Buying: Still buying nothing (only gas and groceries!)
Watching: you tube videos about painting.
Cringing: over how much weight I've gained.
Needing: to work out. (see above)
Smelling: Cinnamon Plum Tea! It smells sooooooooo good!
Wearing: My sisters super old snoopy t-shirt.
Following: SUSANNAH_BEE_ART (love love love her paintings!) and paigepoppe
Noticing: It's starting to stay lighter just a little later! yay!
Knowing: I need to practice a lot more. I know it, but I still get frustrated.
Thinking: I need to just throw all the cookies, chocolates, and sweets away. or else I will eat them.
Sorting: my closet. Time to donate some stuffs.
Getting: my relax on.
Bookmarking: The Crossroads of Shoulds and Musts (take a few minutes and read it...)
Disliking: that I have to go back to work Monday, and that it's a full week! boo!
Feeling: pretty relaxed and happy.
Snacking: on all the cookies.
Helping: mom work on new Valentine's Day cards and embellishments for her shop!
Hearing: the stillness of my house in the morning.


I hope you had a great start to the new year! Do you have any exciting plans or resolutions for 2016? I'd love to hear about it (and maybe you can inspire me to finish up my own!) Let me know in the comment section below!


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