Five Things Friday- July 11th, 2014
Whew! Made it to another Friday. Frankly, I'm not even sure how it's Friday already. It's been a stressful week on the home front. My great uncle had a stroke last week, and it's been really hectic ever since. Without going into toooo much detail, he's still in the hospital (he'll most likely be there until the end of the month, at least) and he's a bit better. He's doing some intense physical and occupational therapy to try and regain movement on this left side. Hopefully, with lots of hard work, he'll be able to regain some movement. I'd appreciate any prayers, positive vibes, and good mojo you can send! (thank you!)
Now for something more positive--here are the five things I'm loving this week. Enjoy!
image via AKA DESIGN
To do: I NEED to make these! I got a bunch of free tiles from a garage sale a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure what to do with them, until now! (Hello coasters with photos from Italy!)
Loving: this notebook (**ahem** my birthday is coming up...)
Listening: to this. Over and over. And over again.
Reading: Just finished this (today!) I can't believe I never read it before. Is the movie any good?
Dreaming: of this. One day.
I hope you have a great weekend! We're going to celebrate my great uncle's 86 birthday tomorrow!
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