Link Love- April 26, 2013
Here's what I'm LOVING this week!!!! Have a great weekend (I hope you have chance to go out and enjoy!)
image via free people
DIY painted feathers- a fun way to dress up some plain fake feathers you find in craft stores.
Ron Finley: A guerrilla- gardener in South Central LA- "Gardening is my graffiti" Really inspiring TED talk. Go watch it! Gangsta gardeners! YES!
5 things I won't do in my garden again- really great post of a beginning gardeners pitfalls and how she's planning to do things differently this year.
You can do this- If you're having doubts about your photography business, painting, writing, being a teacher, anything really... please give this a read-- this was written for you.
“Hell, There Are No Rules Here--We’re Trying to Accomplish Something.”- Sometimes, you've got to forget the rules and create!