Link Love- March 15, 2013
We made it to Friday (I don't know about you, but I barely made it...) Here are a few links/websites that I am absolutely loving this week!!
image via Susan Sabo
Why you should ask your photographer to watermark your images- a truly excellent article by my photog-crush, Susan Sabo, about why watermarks are really a good thing.
Coffitivity- Ambient noise to boost your workday creativity! Now you can have thevibe of a coffee shop right at your desktop
Eater Eggs: Dipping, Marbling, and Specking- For those who want more sophisticatedcolored Easter eggs!
via House of Earnest
image via dan elijah g. fajardo
Amanda Palmer: The Art of Asking- This video had me in tears (seriously, it's not that hard to do)
Hope you have a wonderful, adventure-filled weekend!