Giving up the Facebooks and the Twitters
Hi friends! If I seem a little more quiet than usual in my online presence, it's because I'm giving up social medias (specifically Facebook and Twitter) for Lent. I wanted to give up something that would be super challenging and a sacrifice. The past few years I've given up sugar, coffee and high fructose corn syrup. Challenging? For sure. This year, I want to give up something and give back as well. I find lately that I waste so much valuable time reading about other peoples lives that I'm not contributing anything of value to my own or others! I will sit on the couch, or at work, and constantly refresh to find out what's happening (sometimes, for hours!) This can't be healthy. I even find myself checking facebook/twitter on my phone while I'm visiting my grandma at the nursing home. (I know! How could I?) This means I'll be calling and emailing my friends and family more to find out how they are doing. I might even throw a letter in the mix, just to be different. I'll actually, you know, interact with them rather than observing passively.
Good-bye social media! See you at the end of March!
*the only exception to this is using Facebook or Twitter for our business A Different Light Photography
I mentioned I wanted to give back. This Lent, I want to do what I can to
add a little bit of value for others. How I plan to do this, I'm not sure. Maybe it
will be sitting down with a friend over coffee and really really
listening to her. Maybe it will be letting a stressed mom with kids go ahead of me
in the check out lane, or letting someone else have that parking space I
was waiting impatiently for... Maybe it will be as simple as saying "yes" to someone and doing what they ask without complaining.
Are you giving up something or doing anything special for Lent? I'd love to hear about it! For all my facebook and twitter friends, feel free to call or email me (
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