New Year, New Goals


Since it's early January (3rd day as of this writing) I've been feeling the need to work my resolutions, er... goals, for the new year. Usually, I make my goals around my birthday, but I suppose last September I was a little preoccupied. So, here they are:

1. A 365 photo project. (Did I hear my friends groan? sorry...) I've been feeling terribly uninspired lately, so I'm hoping that by forcing myself to take a photo every day, it will spark some creative juices. I'll be posting these on my flickr account.

2. Work out at least an hour a day. (I know, how original...) My wii fit just told me that my size 12 ass is obese. If that's not a motivator, I don't know what is.

3. Also, cut out sugar and eat less carbs. All this working out isn't going to amount to anything if I don't quit eating nutella straight out of the jar (sorry, nutella... I've got to break up with you. Again.)

4. FINISH PROJECTS! I'm terrible at finishing what I start. I get so excited to start a project and about halfway, I completely lose interest (I'm onto the next new project!) I have so many half finished projects going on, it's a little out of control. My top three things to finish first? A pair of clogs i've been knitting for over a year, a scarf, and a granny square blanket that I started over 2 years ago!!!

5. Watch less TV. Seriously. This never used to be a problem, but G watches a lot of TV and has introduced me to some seriously well made shows (hello, Games of Thrones, I'm talking to you...) I would have much more time to workout (see goal 2) or finished projects (goal 4 and 5) if I spent less time in front of the boob tube.

6. Start working on miscellaneous projects around the house. There are a ton of things that need to be worked on and I haven't done much in the year and a half since we moved in. Top three things to fix/work on in the house? Get curtains for the loft and craft room (oh, hello everyone watching me workout to the wii!) I would like to get drawer pulls for the kitchen cabinets, and a new light fixture to replace the broken one in the downstairs powder room.

I have high hopes for actually completing these goals (of course, this is just the top 6 out of a list of about 82...) I already bought curtain rods for the upstairs rooms, and have been researching drawer pulls/knobs for the kitchen. And, I have a date with my good friend, R, on Sunday to finish up those darned clogs...

Okay, 2013, bring it! I'm ready for you!