Spring Lilacs

Guess what! It's now officially my favorite time of year - Lilac season! Lilacs are one of my most favorite flowers. I cannot get enough of them!

These lilacs were not at the Chicago Botanic Garden (shocking, I know!) They were in an office building parking lot. I know, right? Serendipitously, a friend notified me of their existence, remembering that I had a bit of an affinity for these fragrant lovelies. I was hesitant to go at first, worried that there was security, or someone might call the police about a strange girl with a camera going crazy over this random lilac bush in their parking lot. But my friend assured me I could fawn over them all I wanted. And boy, did I fawn (so many photos!)  They were just sitting there, being all beautiful in a drab and dreary suburban parking lot. I wish you could smell them through the photos-- heavenly!

Heart shaped lilacs by april bern photography
spring lilacs by april bern photography
gorgeous spring lilacs by april bern photography
lovely spring lilacs by april bern photography
spring lilacs 03 by april bern photography

I hope you have a lovely weekend and get a chance to find some random lilacs and enjoy their heavenly scent!



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