april bern

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Goodbye, Pegleg...


It's with a heavy heart that I tell you that one of my special birds, Pegleg, passed away today. We're pretty sad at home. Scooter, Pegleg's brother, keeps looking over the side of his little platform down to where Pegleg's lifeless body was found. Scooter seems lonely now. He has no one to chatter with, no one to bully him, and no one to help him preen all those hard to reach areas.

Pegleg was a good bird. He had a lot of spirit, a lot of gumption. He was feisty. And he liked blood. A lot. And by that I mean that if you were just a little too slow getting your hand out of the cage, he'd find your finger and hold on for dear life. He was also a bully to his slightly smaller brother. He liked to spend hours checking out the pretty bird in the mirror. 

You will be missed, Pegleg. The three of us will miss your cacophonic chattering, your bloodlust, and your presence.  You were a good special bird and I'm glad I got to take care of you for all these years. I only hope that where you are, both of your legs work. </tear>