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Crafty Connections- October 5th

Hi! I'd like to welcome to this week’s Crafty Connections! Every week I scour the interwebs and gather tutorials, tips, other helpful links to help with your handmade craft business. In addition, I’ll post links to cool crafts I’ve seen, and blogs I think are worth following. Enjoy!

  • a blog you should follow
    Always Chrysti blog
    Always Chrysti

    A blog that's full of yummy eye candy!

Do you know of any good handmade craft marketing resources I should include in the next Crafty Connections post? Please don’t hesitate to email me, or leave the link(s) in the comments section! I would love to be able to share these great resources with everyone! Also, are these links helpful to you? Let me know! I appreciate the feedback!!!! Thanks!
